Couponing 101

* Please know that what you see on TV is Extreme Couponing! While you will get 98% savings on your bill it will be Realistic Savings...

Here are a few steps to begin your couponing experience.

Where to get the coupons from?

News Paper inserts:
Its important to grab the Sunday newspaper, it has the majority of the coupons. You can check the Sunday Preview website to see what coupons are being sent out, that way you can stock up on extra papers.

Internet Coupons:
These are coupons that you can print from Manufacturer's websites, Facebook, and websites like,, etc. Keep in mind that you are only allowed to print 2 coupons per IP address (per computer). If you have more than one computer you can take advantage of that and print out 2 more!

Store Blinkies:
These coupons are found at the store. The are the the little red machines that are placed down the isle usually next to the product that they issuing the coupon for.

These coupons are usually on the product itself.

Buying Coupons:
There are several companies that sell coupon inserts. They do not charge you per coupon (thats illegal) but they do charge you for the time it takes them to clip them.

Ask your friends:
There should be no shame in saving money. Ask your friends, neighboors, family members, coworkers.

Which Coupon should I save?

* Even if you think you won't need a coupon, save it. Some coupons that you don't necessarily think you'll use might be Money Makers. Plus you can always donate the product. If the coupon does expire there are organizations that take the expired coupons and give them to military families. They are able to use them even when they are expired!

When do I use the Coupon?

Clearance Sales:
You never know the types of discounted items that are placed on clearance. There's a common misconception that clearance items are expired items. This is not true. Most of the time the store is trying to push this product to make room for a new product coming in.

Stores have weekly sales ads that display certain items that are on sale. Its important to look at these sale ads to see if you have any coupon match ups. If you do, its instant savings!

* Wal-Mart does Price Match competitor's ads. Bring in the ad and let them know you are price matching before they ring up that item, instant savings!

Check the blogs:
There are instances where stores have items on sale that are not advertised on the ad. If you are like me I am not able to go to all the stores to see what other sale items they have. I like to keep up with sales through other blogs. Most bloggers are nice and like to share the sale's that they've scored.. Keep in mind that they may not be available in all areas.

Organize your Coupons

Create a separate Email Account:

*Many Companies ask for an email address when you request a sample. They don't share your information, however, it can take up a lot of room on your regular email account. Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo offer Free email accounts, go ahead and sign up for one just for your coupons!

Sharing Personal Information:

I know that I've been posting a lot of deals where you get a free sample or a coupon for a free item. It does require you to give up some personal information or in this Social Media Age it does require you to LIKE them on Facebook. Here are some tips about how to receive Free Items without putting yourself or your family in any risk.

Create an New Email Address:
This is important because you don't want your inbox to be filled with offers, junk mail or emails sent to you be a manufacture. You can go to Google, Yahoo, Hotmail etc. and sign up for a Free email address which you can use for your coupons or spam mail. This is the best way to separate a Personal email from the Junk email.

Too much Personal Information:
When you sign up for a freebie, sample, coupon offer they will ask you for your information. Information such as your Name, Address, Email Address and sometime Phone number are commonly asked when you fill out the forms.
*only give your phone number if you want to be contacted by phone, if its required on a form I always "happen to mix up my numbers" .

Some companies ask for more information than what I mentioned before. Information such as how many people live in your household, how many kids do you have and what are your birth dates are asked because they want to know your demographics and who is purchasing their product.
*If I am asked this information I tend to give the household number, I never give the exact date of my child or husbands birthday. I always use the Year, that way the company can get the correct age of the people in my household. They don't need to know my child or Husband's name.

NEVER EVER give out your Social Security Number. No one needs to know your Credit Card Information or Bank Information. A free sample of detergent does not And SHOULD NOT require any of this information.

Please also read the fine print! Some offers may require you to sign up for monthly offers. That means that you are obligated to purchase something every month for a particular time.
* When you see an offer only posted by a Blogger make sure that they are reputable and you trust what they say!

Please don't let this information scare you out of getting free coupons or samples. Just be Careful and if you don't feel right about something, then don't do it!
* Feel free to ask me any questions!!